Terrific Thai in Danville


Thai cuisine can be quite versatile: you could get something sweet or something spicy, a heartwarming soup or a filling protein plate, chicken or fish, rice or noodles; the choices are nearly endless. If you’re a huge fan of Thai food, or you just like to change up your weekly diet once in a while, then our luxury apartments at Downtown Danville are perfect for you.

Lotus is a local Thai restaurant highly rated on Google reviews for its friendly staff, impressive menu, and high-quality meals delivered upon each visit. Its dining room may be temporarily closed, but they still offer curbside pick-up and delivery, and they’re only a sixth of a mile away from our future luxury apartments. Start out your meal with an addicting appetizer, such as their crunchy pot stickers, the avocado green salad, or the tom kha Thai coconut milk soup. Afterwards, move onto the main course and enjoy favorites like their spicy red curry, chicken basil stir fry, pad Thai noodles, or the crab fried rice. Every section of the menu has spicy and/or vegetarian options to best suit anyone’s palate or preferences. Pair up your meal with a refreshing beverage, such a cup of hot tea, a glass of lemonade, or one of their wine selections. Finally, don’t forget to end things off with fried bananas with ice cream or Thai sticky rice with mango for dessert.

Try something new and amazing here at Alexan Downtown Danville. Order some Thai takeout from Lotus for your next meal and sign up for our pre-lease offers before our luxury apartments open next year.